Sunday, October 14, 2012


Both of my parents are dead now. I still have their memories,though. My dad died 33 years ago after a long battle with lung cancer. I've spent more of my life without him now than I had with him. I woke up the other morning wondering what I really knew about him. When he was here and I could ask him all kinds of questions, I was too caught up in my own drama to even be interested in finding out what made him tick. Now, I wonder about him. What was his passion? What were his politics? What did he believe in? I guess I'll never know. This I do know. He was a great dad and I know that he loved me. My mom died just five years ago. She was so many different things to me throughout my life. Without going into details, I loved her and I hated many things about her. But, ultimately, she was my friend. When she died, I knew I'd lost the one person who loved me warts and all. I still can hear her voice in my ear and I really do try to listen better now that she's gone. So, if you are reading this and your parents are still alive, stop your busy life for a few minutes and jot down a few questions. Then, take the time to find the answers.

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