Saturday, December 16, 2023

Five more years have elapsed

 In just over two weeks, I’ll be turning 75 years of age. I started this blog when I was turning 60. So much has happened in the past 15 years.. I guess that’s how life works. I’m glad that I’m still here and I appreciate life even more than I did at 60. I wasn’t  retired then. Now, I look back and wonder how I got everything done while I was a working woman. Now, my work is to embrace uncertainty. Change is constant and nothing remains the same forever. Those of us who thrive will learn to go with the flow and make the very best of whatever the day brings our way. I guess the most important lesson that I’ve  learned since turning 60 is that everything can change in an instant. Life is very fragile and it’s wise to cherish each moment that we have.